Plot Summary:For the past 15 years, Misaki Fuyukawa has lived a quiet, reclusive life while keeping her secret well-hidden. With just two months left before the statute of limitations on the murder of her colleague expires, a mysterious man appears in Misaki's life, who says, \"I know your secret.\" Is he a friend or foe? The nameless man who claims to know about Misaki's past does not reveal any personal information about himself, but only says he wants to live with her in exchange for keeping her secret. Hence, a bizarre living arrangement begins. Who is this man and what is his purpose? Meanwhile, conventional detective Kiba is convinced that Misaki is the elusive criminal behind the 15-year-old murder case and is determined to uncover evidence to prove his theory. As this peculiar love-suspense drama unfolds, you will need to piece together information to solve the mysterious puzzle of murder while the clock counts down to the expiration deadline.
榜上有名猫 • 请容许我无视情节上的Bug,因为此剧附有很吸引的魔力
本来不打算再写旧剧的评论,毕竟写了也没有人看,可是最近补完《共犯者》还是忍不住大呼过瘾,那就随便留下点墨迹纪念吧。 这部2003年的《共犯者》不算完美,但很精彩,尤其在不被剧透的前提下很有魔力,故事的...