Plot Summary:Prosecutor Sakata of the Yonesaki District Public Prosecutors Office and his colleague Shoji are pulled into assisting the Tokyo Office's Special Investigation Department to investigate influential Diet lawmaker Okouchi and Masumoto of a technical skills foundation. The two men are believed to be involved in a bribery case. But a key witness in this scandal commits suicide, and the next person believed to hold the key to the case, the foundation's accountant, has disappeared.
卧槽太不容易了 油管扒的视频 外网扒的英文字幕 我容易吗我!字幕时间轴还完全不对!终于知道佐方这个脾气哪里来的了。欧豆也真是…侠气…真的服了。案子也蛮有意思的但是多线并进就弱化了。嘛…最后还是给了光明向的结局哇