简介:Conceived and filmed at London's O2 Arena in September 2019 the film follows a team of scientists asConceived and filmed at London's O2 Arena in September 2019 the film follows a team of scientists as they investigate the source of a paranormal anomaly appearing around the world. Blurring the lines between narrative and concert film, virtual and reality, Muse's most theatrical tour to date launches the viewer through a supernatural spectacle, questioning the world around us.详情
想起2019年在IMAX影厅二刷《波西米亚狂想曲》的爽,要是也能在IMAX影厅观看这部《Simulation Theory Film》就更棒了。—— Muse 缪斯 - Simulation Theory Film 2019(蓝光):www.bilibili.com/video/av800625434 → 音质够给力;【4K画质】缪斯乐队:Simulation Theory 巡演影片 (2020):www.bilibili.com/video/av83928112 → 有英文字幕;音质,我所欲也,英字亦我所欲也;二者不可得兼,舍英字而取音质者也。-13488
想起2019年在IMAX影厅二刷《波西米亚狂想曲》的爽,要是也能在IMAX影厅观看这部《Simulation Theory Film》就更棒了。—— Muse 缪斯 - Simulation Theory Film 2019(蓝光):www.bilibili.com/video/av800625434 → 音质够给力;【4K画质】缪斯乐队:Simulation Theory 巡演影片 (2020):www.bilibili.com/video/av83928112 → 有英文字幕;音质,我所欲也,英字亦我所欲也;二者不可得兼,舍英字而取音质者也。-13488
异形+daft punk+stranger things版的muse 同伴看流泪了,竟是因为炫光症