简介:pringsteen & I is an upcoming documentary-biographical film directed by Baillie Walsh documentinpringsteen & I is an upcoming documentary-biographical film directed by Baillie Walsh documenting the life and career of Bruce Springsteen through the eyes and insights of his fans throughout the world.详情
很早以前看过 群像
各地歌迷们的集体制作... 是歌迷个人感受的集合吧。
Bruce Springsteen是伟大的唱作人 不过这部片里他的粉丝可是愣的可以啊
粉丝与BOSS的故事。很高兴在天朝还有喜欢BOSS的人。就像NBA在美国不受欢迎 BOSS在天朝知道的人甚少。
迷汉迷姨们的致敬 千千万万一点也不酷的大妈大叔们的故事!看到亚裔那个有master degree的那个女生的时候好酷
pure fan service without narrative 老板是真男人,从这纪录片就很明显他的歌迷蓝领居多
thank you bruce, you are my saviour.