简介:由年轻导演Eric Darmon执导的一部纪实风格的音乐纪录片,记录下年届七十的作曲家在纽约的工作场景,作曲家穿梭于剧场、工作室、寓所、画廊中,追寻新歌剧《the sound of a voice》的由年轻导演Eric Darmon执导的一部纪实风格的音乐纪录片,记录下年届七十的作曲家在纽约的工作场景,作曲家穿梭于剧场、工作室、寓所、画廊中,追寻新歌剧《the sound of a voice》的灵感。纪录片长达近一个小时,附录中有一个多小时的采访花絮、歌剧《the sound of a voice》选段以及格拉斯演奏自己的《第二练习曲》。这部纪录片被收入Ideale公司发行的现代作曲家纪录片系列——并置(Juxtapositions).详情
He said:" I came from an experimental art community that no one thought he had a career. We are just survivors doing what we like. America is not a place friendly to art."
He said:" I came from an experimental art community that no one thought he had a career. We are just survivors doing what we like. America is not a place friendly to art."