简介:Examine Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos' ascent to power and the global impact of the empire he built. The filExamine Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos' ascent to power and the global impact of the empire he built. The film also investigates the darker side of the company's rapid growth, and the challenge of trying to rein in the power of the richest man in the world.详情
Amazon,或者说Bezos最牛的是提前一步完成未来社会的“刚需”布局。有可比性的算Elon Musk吧。“...Bezos and Musk are tied for the No. 1 spot in our 2019 Forbes ranking of America’s Most Innovative Leaders.”
单个问题的提问和回答都很好,但是整体实在预设立场太强了。你抱着看“宏伟帝国和其掌权人的崛起和其车轮碾碎的众生困境”的心态去的,看了发现只是支离破碎捕风捉影拼贴的“阳光底下必然有阴影所以即便我们啥也不懂也来找个阴影吧反正大众爱看”。好端端的题材拍得毫无逻辑和宏伟感,兴也没拍出来,衰也没拍出来。要是做三十分钟的访谈还勉强能接受,拖成 full size 纪录片还起这么个名字,人的期望值就比这个高太多了。
Amazon,或者说Bezos最牛的是提前一步完成未来社会的“刚需”布局。有可比性的算Elon Musk吧。“...Bezos and Musk are tied for the No. 1 spot in our 2019 Forbes ranking of America’s Most Innovative Leaders.”
单个问题的提问和回答都很好,但是整体实在预设立场太强了。你抱着看“宏伟帝国和其掌权人的崛起和其车轮碾碎的众生困境”的心态去的,看了发现只是支离破碎捕风捉影拼贴的“阳光底下必然有阴影所以即便我们啥也不懂也来找个阴影吧反正大众爱看”。好端端的题材拍得毫无逻辑和宏伟感,兴也没拍出来,衰也没拍出来。要是做三十分钟的访谈还勉强能接受,拖成 full size 纪录片还起这么个名字,人的期望值就比这个高太多了。
bigs things start small, but such huge empire dominant everything , really too terrifying to think about it
说实话没有Decaode Bill来的笼络人心,而且不管是此片还是SP讲Amazon那几集内外即使有金钱滤镜加持Bezos都是一个让人感受不到丝毫人格魅力的人,同理还有Elon Musk
At least they can make a documentary to question Amazon, right? So that's not the end of the world for them. What about other countries?
Fuck amazon. This company is terrifying.
简单的事物,知其黑白即可 复杂的事物,要井然有序条理分明
Big things start small.