主演:内田彩 尾崎由香 小野早稀 近藤玲奈 相坂优歌 浅野真澄 藤井雪代 本多真梨子 伊藤加奈惠 金田朋子 国府田麻理子 松井惠理子 三上枝织 三森铃子 津田美波 佐佐木未来 野中蓝 大空直美 立花理香 和多田美咲 上原由香里 照井春佳 Haruka Terui
讲述生活在巨大动物园中的兽少女的故事。某天,动物园中出现一位迷路的孩子,为了帮助孩子回家,兽少女们踏上了冒险的旅程。In the large animal park named Japari Park, animals have lived in the shape of human girls by the power of mysterious substances called Sandstar. However, Japari Park has started to dilapidate from time unknown. One day, a human child of amnesia gets lost in Japari Park. The child goes on a journey to find the child's way home with the help of animal girls, and they learn why Japari Park was dilapidated during their journey.