主演:贝纳德特·拉封 卡门·毛拉 多米尼克·拉冯纳特 Françoise Bertin
一个穷途末路的老太太走上了贩毒道路,穿梭于一群年轻男人之间,斗智斗勇、轻松诙谐地化解了重重险境。这部另类犯罪片从头至尾充满了令人捧腹的法式幽默。女主角伯纳蒂特·拉方特自1950年代出道,是特吕弗和夏布罗尔两大法国电影新浪潮干将的处女作女主角,从影五十五年来已参演180多部影视剧,曾两度荣获法国电影凯撒奖,与之配戏的是西班牙国宝级女演员、阿莫多瓦御用明星卡门·毛拉,两位女星擦出笑果无数。Paulette lives alone in a housing project in the Paris suburbs. With her meager pension, she can no longer make ends meet. One evening when she attends a curious traffic incident outside her building, Paulette sees the sign of destiny. She decides to start selling cannabis. After all, why should she not? Paulette was formerly pastry chef. Her gift for trade and cooking skills are assets towards finding original solutions in the conducting of her new business.