一如鄉間小鎮的枯索,男孩在現實生活中面對同儕、學校、母子關係的間隙,唯有藉由闃暗臥室內閃爍的光屏進入虛擬世界;在部落格書寫間,在巴布狄倫的音樂裡,或遠或近,與人連結。另一方面,死亡的記憶,亦如同虛幻光影不斷縈迴進逼;逝去的少女、復歸的男人,隱約錯綜的關係,在影像中穿越時間,最終疊影成青春電幻的樂句。In a small town in the countryside in the south of Brazil, a teenager that uses the codename Mr. Tambourine Man spends his time in Internet, at school, smoking pot with his best friend Diego and with his dysfunctional mother. He dreams on leaving his hometown to watch a Bob Dylan's show but seems to be hopeless stranded in the spot.