主演:Meryl Streep Melanie Laurent
一个美丽的爱情故事的危险。我们的未来取决于一个惊人的花朵和动物区系组成的蜜蜂,蝴蝶,鸟类和蝙蝠,这也让这些物种重现之间的爱情故事。精致,优雅,花不内容是美丽极致的象征。相反,其鲜艳的色彩和异国风味的,有那么多的奇迹,吸引传粉昆虫和醉欲望。所有这些动物都参与其中三分之一的庄稼,舞蹈的诱惑,没有它,我们可以生存在一个复杂的舞蹈...花粉的全球食品链的无名英雄。他们的梦幻般的世界充满了故事,戏剧和美丽。虽然脆弱,威胁,这个星球的平衡至关重要,它现在应该积极保护......WINGS OF LIFE launches into the stories of selected animal characters--a bat, a hummingbird, a butterfly, and a bee--stories that reveal the extraordinary importance of flowers and their pollinator partners. Though we primarily associate flowers with beauty, we often don't realize how essential they truly are--that without flowing plants and their winged messengers, and the foods they produce, we humans might not survive. Using special cinematic techniques, we explore the mystical intersection of the animal and plant worlds where life regenerates itself over and over again. It's this seductive dance that feeds the early, and today that dance is threatened.