露比在中央公园碰到从爱奥华州来的森,她原以为今生再找不到合意男子,却临到世纪末才真正堕入爱河,可也同时备受困扰。这个既怕小狗,臂上又纹上条码编号的男子,说自己是公元2470年纽约的时光旅客。他是认真的,还是神经不正常?剧本著眼于露比对这男人的逐步发掘:他的问题越严重,她越觉得自己的感情有用武之地。 编导安德逊曾修读人种学电影,开过一课「电影游击术」,九七年被《综艺》杂志誉为「十位顶尖新独立导演」之一。Ruby Weaver has man trouble: she tries to fix them, so she's stuck herself with a string of losers. Her current lover, Sam Deed, seems different: he's sweet, tender, just in from Dubuque. But, as Ruby tells her therapist about Sam, in flashbacks we see someone not quite of this world. In fact, Sam informs Ruby that he's from the future, 2470 to be exact. Ruby's sure he's delusional, but most of the time she wants to keep him - and maybe fix him. Although he seems sane, maybe Sam hasn't told her the real story: what's he up to, and who is Chrystie Delancey?