导演:Paul Tanter
上一集中的恐怖分子头目侥幸生还,这一集中在同伙的帮助下成功逃离了戒备森严的警方医院,但这群暴徒并没有想一走了之的意思,他们把目标瞄准了英国政府所在地伦敦唐宁街,于是一场惊心动魄的劫持与反劫持首相官邸的行动拉开大幕,而负责这次反恐行动的指挥官正是上一集中逮捕这名恐怖分子头目的警官,新仇旧恨一并迸发,霎时间英国伦敦成为了反恐战争的前沿,而英国首相官邸唐宁街则成为了反恐的核心地区,高智商的恐怖分子与英国皇家反恐特警组的斗智斗勇高潮跌宕,这次恐怖分子能够得手吗?这次反恐特警组还要承受多大的牺牲?一切都是未知数,唯一知道的就是英勇的特警队员再次披挂上阵拯救首相拯救伦敦——“为英国”Following his heroic actions in He Who Dares, Christopher Lowe is summoned to 10 Downing Street to be dishonourably discharged from the SAS for disobeying a direct order, despite the fact his actions saved the Prime Minister's only daughter. However, when kidnapper, Alexander Holt, escapes from prison and plots the kidnap of the PM, there's only one man to turn to.