主演:Kristen Barrett 约翰·瑞斯-戴维斯 Suzy Brack John Rhys-Davies
1940年5月,德国入侵荷兰,荷兰青年奋起反抗,以皮特•哈提克为首组成了秘密的抵抗军。德军不仅压迫荷兰人民,更残忍地对犹太人实施种族灭绝政策。德军首领拉曼是个冷血的人,他酷爱收藏,这次他又有了一个大的计划, “收藏”孤儿院的犹太儿童。得知消息的抵抗军迅速行动,伪装成德军用卡车救出了这些孩子。皮特为了寻找一个失踪的孩子露达被捕,最后牺牲。二战期间荷兰人民建立的安全屋拯救了大批的犹太人。无数年轻生命的牺牲换来了荷兰的解放。Dutch Resistance fighter Hans Poley in World War II, found refuge at Corrie ten Boom's house. Hans defies the new Nazi commandant and escapes with his life. He takes refuge in Corrie ten Boom's house, which is crowded with Jewish refugees and becomes part of her teen age army. Hans gets a false identity and joins the Dutch Resistance. As the Nazis commit atrocity after atrocity, the danger for Hans and his new compatriots increases tenfold.