主演:瑞恩·菲利普 杰西·布拉德福特 亚当·比奇 约翰·本杰明·西基
1945年2月,被喻为“太平洋的绞肉机”的硫磺岛战争结束。在战斗的第五天时,五名美军海军士兵、一名军医、一名随军记者一起“缔造”了一张英雄的照片,一张象征国家胜利的照片:他们将美国国旗插在了硫磺岛的制高点。 当照片登上美国各大报纸头条的时候,当时的六名英雄中的三人甚至还不及知道自己成为英雄而英勇牺牲了。幸存下来的其余三人战后却对那场战争只字不提,仿佛他们未曾参与那场战争。 因为他们不是为了成为英雄才走上战场,他们是为了国家而战,当他们看到身边的伙伴一个个倒下时,他们觉得生命的意义也在一点点流失……©豆瓣In 1945, the Marines attack twelve thousand Japaneses protecting the twenty square kilometers of the sacred Iwo Jima island in a very violent battle. When they reach the Mount Suribachi and six Marines raise their flag on the top, the picture becomes a symbol in a post Great Depression America. The government brings the three survivors to America to raise funds for war, bringing hope to desolate people, and making the three men heroes of the war. However, the traumatized trio has difficulty dealing with the image built by their superiors, sharing the heroism with their mates.