Monsters vs Aliens Mutant Pumpkins from Outer Space (2009) [2xUkr, Eng] HDTVRip 720p [Hurtom].mkv
主演:Amy Allison Anthony Arcidi Matthew Brown George Casden Jay Cavanaugh
影片讲述一群外星生物和一个迷失太空20年的宇航员一起回到地球的故事。宇航员厄尔·简森的宇宙飞船被人破坏导致他差点丧命,幸遇外星人获救。20年后,简森返回地球找暗害他的人报仇,随他而来的还有一帮变种外星人。谁知他大仇未报身先死,久怨未消又添新恨,致命而可爱的外星期三帮助简森的女儿为父报仇,显示他们强大的力量,即使世界上最强大的军队也不能阻止他们完成任务。Marooned by design in a strange asteroid inhabited by bizarre creatures and mind-boggling living biological transmutations, the audacious American astronaut, Earl Jensen, miraculously heads back to Earth and his now grown-up daughter to tie up some loose ends, after twenty long years in oblivion. Bent on revenge, Jensen won't rest until he finds those responsible for his intergalactic tragedy; however, this time, he is not alone, as his powerful, yet abominable mutant friends are, too, in the mood for retribution. Now, no force on Earth can stop Earl. But, who is behind the long-lost cosmonaut's personal disaster?