Luc Besson - Le Dernier Combat.avi
此片是卢贝松再影坛还没没无闻时,凭著一腔热血,旺盛活力与爆发力, 突破一切传统,挣脱一切商业机制下的樊笼,冒著无色彩,无对话,无明星等大讳所完成的电影。当影片完成时,因宣传无门,于是卢贝松带著这部影片参加瑞士阿沃基影展,一举拿下评审特别大奖及影评人奖,因而打开他的国际知名度。解剖核子战后的文明废墟,因为无色彩,所以这是一部黑白色调的电影。In the post-apocalyptic future, only a few humans are left. No one is able to speak; the film contains no dialogue, and characters communicate non-verbally. A determined loner befriends a reclusive older man and these two battle against vicious thugs for food, shelter and life itself.