1970年,日本群马县某饭店发生疯狂杀人事件,某大学医学教授大森范久(治田敦 饰)狂性大发,杀害了包括年幼女儿在内的11人。在此之后,大森也自杀身亡,事件起因至今不明。 35年后,人气恐怖片导演松村郁夫(椎名桔平 饰)决定将该事件改编成电影,搬上银幕。影片制作委员会举行了试听会,无数怀揣梦想的女孩来此应征。无名新人杉浦渚(優香 饰)也是众多候选人之一,她的独特气质引起了松村的关注,最终她被定为影片的女主角。在此之后,小渚经常做一些奇怪的梦,梦中她来到一所从未到过的红色房子。当她随摄制组来到发生凶案的旅馆之时,这里却让她有一种似曾相识的感觉……Nagisa Sugiura (Yuka) is a young Japanese actress who comes face to face with a slew of ghosts. These restless spirits begin to appear when she signs on to star in a horror film which tells the true story about a crazed, local professor whose murderous rampage at a hotel left 11 guests dead, including his young son and daughter. The movie is being filmed at the very site where the killings took place.