金明民饰演的姜健宇,被称为Maestro姜(姜指),42岁,是一位在欧洲声名鹊起的指挥家。他虽然成就非凡,但为人毫不圆滑,尖刻毒舌、蛮横孤傲、咄咄逼人、固执己见。他要求极为严格,一旦达不到要求的演奏家,他就毫不客气地发挥毒舌功力,骂的对方体无完肤。这样的性格使和他一同 工作的人完全无法忍受,因此,他从来没在任何一家乐团做超过6个月的常任指挥,不是主动辞职,就是乐团成员受不了他而放弃。他的外号“交响乐团杀手”也由此产生。 然而,就是这样一个连顶尖乐团的优秀演奏家都深感敬畏的指挥家,却阴差阳错成为一个业余乐团的指挥,乐团由一群被音乐抛弃也抛弃了音乐的乌合之众组成,姜健宇不得不训练他们,并和他们一起走上音乐厅的舞台......Kang Gun Woo is a world renowned orchestra maestro who is a perfectionist in his work. He is not an easy person to work with and is feared by all his players. By chance, he comes across Du Ru Mi, a violinist, and a young cop who has the same name as his and discovers that even without formal training, the young Kang is a music genius. The three soon get tangled in a love triangle.