主演:大泽隆夫 绫濑遥 中谷美纪 内野圣阳 小出惠介 桐谷健太 藤本隆宏 市村正亲
《仁医2》完结篇延续前篇剧情,历史依旧向着既定方向有条不紊的前行,更多耳熟能详的历史角色悉数登场。南方仁(大泽隆夫 饰)以大夫的身份在江户时代生存了下来,所开设的医馆仁友堂亦步入正轨。一天他得知橘咲(绫濑遥 饰)的母亲患了当时普遍的脚气病,由此决意制作并普及可治愈该病的点心。与此同时,坂本龙马(内野圣阳 饰)出现在仁面前请求帮助。仁随龙马来到京都救治胜海舟的师父佐久间象山,竟从苏醒的后者口中得知了惊人的往事……禁门之变后京都满目疮痍,原本留下救人的仁被新撰组带至萨摩藩救治西乡隆盛。此后,坂本龙马牵线西乡隆盛与长州藩,促成萨长同盟。 亲历着幕末日本局势的陡然巨变,仁对自己之于这个时代意义有了崭新的认识。在不远的未来,他将重新邂逅寻找新生活的野风(中谷美纪 饰),前篇中围绕在他们周身的谜团亦将逐一得到解答。The time traveller has been stranded for two years now, Saki's mother is ill and Minakata requests to examine her. The patient is uninterested in her own wellness. Others are resolve to improve her nutrition and will bake for her. The magic elixir is junk food from the future. Saki herself is homeless and ostracized as she remains the subject of rumours and gossip. Her case is not helped by her own family. The land's political turmoil continues.