主演:唐泽寿明 和久井映见 段田安则 古田新太 天海祐希 竹野内丰 小雪
唐泽寿明将为富士电视台拍摄纪念开台五十周年的剧集《不毛地带》。剧集改编自《白色巨塔》的女小说家山崎丰子的作品,唐泽於○三年亦演出过《白》的剧集版,广受好评,预期这个黄金组合将会再次绽放光芒。 剧集以战后为背景,主角壹岐正本为一名参谋,被拘留在西伯利亚十一年后返回日本,投身竞争激烈的商界之中。合演的还有和久井映见、小雪与柳叶敏郎等,阵容鼎盛。已有三年没有拍剧的唐泽表示,主角的性格冷静,做事不动声色,要将之表现出来甚为困难,很有挑战性。 小说分别於一九七六年和七九年改编为电影和剧集,三十年后三度被改编。由於原著的篇幅颇长,因此新版本预计於十月播放,播放期长达半年,甚有机会继《白》剧后成为另一名作。Iki Tadashi is a military leader who was captured by the Soviets during World War II. Treated as a war criminal, he was sentenced to many years of labor in a harsh Siberian detention camp. After 11 years of imprisonment, he is released. He returns to Japan and begins readjusting to life as a civilian, rejecting an offer from his former colleague to work on a defense project. Tadashi has decided to never involve himself in war again, much to the joy of his family. Instead, he attempts to set off on a new path working at a major trading company.