HBO纪录片,来自叙利亚的记录影像太震撼,一部以叙利亚普通民众视角讲述叙利亚内战的起因、进程、以及对和平的期许。也许会有人认为这部纪录片是站在西方视角拍摄的,内战持续了7年之久仍未平息,做为旁观者无论是倾向于哪一方,有一点是毋庸置疑的,叙利亚早已沦为大国之间相互角力的试验场,各种极端宗教组织趁机兴风作浪,叙利亚民众犹如在炼狱中煎熬,还不知到底捱到何时才见曙光...CRIES FROM SYRIA focuses on child protesters, revolution icons, activists and their relatives, and high-ranking Army generals who defected to join the fight of the people. It tells the story of the Syrian people who have never lost hope. This film will take the audience on a unique journey in time, from Syria to Turkey, through Jordan, Lebanon and Europe. We will see the situation from the inside out, and through the CRIES FROM SYRIA.