主演:佩内洛普·克鲁兹 阿里亚德娜·希尔 Miriam Díaz Aroca Gabino Diego 费尔南多·费尔南·戈麦斯
1931年,西班牙的君主制被共和政制替代。马德里军队的逃兵费尔南多(乔格•桑兹Jorge Sanz 饰)在逃难中被两名护卫兵盘问。其中,老兵决定放行,但小兵觉得不合军令。两人开始争执,从中费尔南多得知二者为翁婿。后来,女婿错手将岳父打死,后悔不已饮弹自尽。目睹此情此景,受了惊吓的费尔南多仓皇逃走。他借宿时邂逅了流浪艺术家曼诺罗(费尔南多•费尔南•戈麦斯 Fernando Fernán Gómez 饰)。临行前,曼诺罗决定送他一程,顺便在车站接自己的女儿。当费尔南多看到他四个美艳动人的女儿之后,决定找借口留下。他先后跟这四个女人发生了情感纠葛,由此引出了一场令人忍俊不禁的闹剧…… 本片获得第66届奥斯卡最佳外语片奖,战胜了中国影片《霸王别姬》。In 1931, a young soldier (Fernando) deserts from the army and falls into a country farm, where he is welcomed by the owner (Manolo) due to his political ideas. Manolo has four daughters (Rocio, Violeta, Clara and Luz). Fernando likes all of them and they like him, so he has to decide which one to love.