主演:拉菲·卡西迪 艾米丽·沃森 多米尼克·莫纳汉 琼·柯琳斯 卢卡斯·邦德
影片根据英国童书作家Georgia Byng的作品改编,主人公莫莉梦妮是一个孤儿小女孩,偶然发现了一本催眠书,她学会了催眠他人,在后来的一系列书籍中,莫莉还掌握了其他能力,包括停止时间、时间旅行、阅读他人思想和变形。利用催眠术莫莉在一场纽约比赛中名声大噪,变成出名和富有。然而,另一伙人也盯上了那本催眠书,他们找我莫莉,胁迫她参与一起抢劫纽约最著名珠宝店的计划。This movie is about a young orphan girl who just happens to come across a hypnotizing book. She hypnotizes her way onto a London show and becomes rich and famous. But she loses her best friend due to her lack of attention yowards him. And a man also wants her book. He tracks her all the way to London and takes her dog. In order to get it back, she must help him steal the plunder from some robbers just after they robbed the richest bank in London of all its jewels.