影片是洪尚秀的第九部作品,成本不足10万美元,主要演员之前都同导演有过合作,全都是无偿出演。影片在2008年8月举行的仁川国际电影节期间实地拍摄,周期很短,摒弃了一般电影对于画面和形式的追求,质朴地讲述了一个幽默而又伤感的故事。Invited to serve on the jury at a film festival, Director Ku does not care about his supposed-to-dos. Rather, chatting at parties and drinking now seem to be his all time favorites. Ku runs into an old friend who insists he come over for dinner and he stays the night at his friend's house. Yet, the next day, Ku finds himself in trouble with an alleged accusation of seducing his friend's wife. Later, he travels to Jeju Island to give a lecture. He hooks up with a painter for another long night of drinking. The day after, Ku is invited to the painter's where he happens to see his ex-girlfriend.