Hero 2002 720p BluRay DTS x264-DON [PublicHD]
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:153de6898d6e4f3c98cc4abfcc9094d13fd180a5&dn=Hero 2002 720p BluRay DTS x264-DON [PublicHD]
战国末期,燕、赵、楚、韩、魏、齐、秦七雄并起,惟秦国最为强大,急欲吞并六国一统天下,秦王(陈道明)因此成为六国大敌,各地不同的刺秦故事一直在上演,其中赵国刺客残剑(梁朝伟)、飞雪(张曼玉)、如月(章子怡)、长空(甄子丹)因名震天下的高超剑术,令秦王十年里没睡过一个安稳觉 。 某日闻得长空已被名叫无名(李连杰)的秦国剑客杀死,秦王大喜急召其上殿相见,却也谨慎小心以防有诈,秦王和无名斗智斗勇的较量遂即展开。In ancient China, before the reign of the first emperor, warring factions throughout the Six Kingdoms plot to assassinate the most powerful ruler, Qin. When a minor official defeats Qin's three principal enemies, he is summoned to the palace to tell Qin the story of his surprising victory.