主演:马克·哈普卡 杰西卡·罗德 埃里克·蒋曼 吴恬敏 约戈·康斯坦丁 戴维·杰 迈克尔·蒙克斯 Ian Casselberry B.J. Grogan nm5594276 Lorraine LeBlanc Han Soto 马科·圣约翰 卢克·霍克斯 金·柯林斯 Lindsey G. Smith
这影片原是Fox拍摄的一部美剧的试播集,但FOX最终决定将其拍摄为为一部80分钟的电影在netflix上首映。作为电影可能挖了太多天坑,但一个男人通过一座神秘建筑进入无限的平行宇宙,遇到无限个的自己的故事很绝。PARALLELS is a science-fiction adventure series that follows the story of a small band of people traveling across parallel earths. The group is led by an estranged brother and sister, Ronan and Beatrix Carver, who are looking for their father. What they discover is that their family is shattered across multiple earths. The question is: can they put their family back together again?