主演:Lena Endre Maria Bonnevie Börje Ahlstedt
Lea从小就成长在一个无法给她任何保护的家庭里,她原本是一个快乐而好奇的小女孩,然而当她的母亲回到前夫Ole身边时,她的生活发生了猛烈的变化。面对日常生活中的诸多烦恼,Lea只得借酒消愁。生下女儿Sonja之后,Lea希望和自己的家庭有一个了断,开始一段新的生活。她希望能把自己的女儿好好抚养长大,给女儿自己从未获得的保护。然而,很快Lea发现,她心有余而力不足,于是他不得不做出一个不可能的决定。As the film opens, a doped-up Lea (Maria Bonnevie) makes an extremely bad impression on her baby daughter's foster parents; later, flashbacks reveal her disturbing youth and young adulthood. From the wrong side of the tracks, Lea grows up in a small house on the edge of the forest. When her father dies, her fragile mother Madelene takes up with the jealous alcoholic Ole. Unable to prevent Madelene from being beaten, Lea winds up as a substance abuser.