Vanishing Point (1997-remake) [H.264 MP3] {x264}.mkv
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:997b545359aaf16424bb94828823fbf20b148131&dn=Vanishing Point (1997-remake) [H.264 MP3] {x264}.mkv&tr=udp://tracker.openbittorrent.com:80&tr=udp://tracker.publicbt.com:80&tr=udp://tracker.istole.it:6969&tr=udp://tracker.ccc.de:80
导演:查尔斯 罗勃 卡纳 (Charles Robert Carner)
根据七十年代初的同名飞车电影改编的电视电影,全片最大的吸引力就是马拉松式的汽车追逐场面。维高·莫滕森饰演一名退伍军人和离职的赛车手吉米,当他在一千二百公里外得悉身怀六甲的妻子正遭遇生命危险时,乃心急如焚地飞车赶回家,途中因为超速而被警方追捕,但他没有空停下来让警方开罚单,仍继续高速逃离,一场飞车追逐势不可免。在危急关头他将车子开进原住民的保留地,而警方与联邦调查局在周边设下路障拦截。When his wife goes into a troubled labor while he is on the road over 1200 miles away James Kowalski, an ex race car driver and a former Army Ranger, attempts to elude police while trying to get home. After numerous chases he turns into a Native American reservation and reflects on his life, and his wife. He then heads off to break through an impenetrable police and FBI roadblock.