三个金兰姐妹,每次把酒谈天总开心见性,环绕着性和婚姻侃侃而谈,即使提到高潮、自慰,也毫不扭捏。一个是把性纳入婚姻轨道的酒店服务生,一个是憧憬**乐趣之余也渴望经济独立和生儿育女的大学毕业生,一个是和任何合心意的男人上床也全无拘束的设计公司总裁,她们相信心底话愈得以表达,自我压抑和供男性玩弄的机会也愈微。三个背景不同的女子,都期望着自己的性事,但却又遇上不如意的事……Three best friends meet and boldly talk about sex together. Their characters are as different as their lifestyles. One works at a hotel, one at a design firm and the other is a graduate student. The conversations alter their lives as they begin to have different sexual relationships than before.