主演:马修·麦康纳 斯基特·乌尔里奇 伊桑·霍克 盖尔·克罗纳奥尔 文森特·多诺费奥
一部美国史上最成功的亡命之徒真实故事。原来是穷困无名的四个小子,一起火车抢案使这群男孩蜕变成男人。这群小子用硝化油做炸弹连抢了80家银行,足迹遍及德州和加拿大。Four Newton brothers are a poor farmer family in the 1920s. The oldest of them, Willis, one day realizes that there's no future in the fields and offers his brothers to become a bank robbers. Soon the family agrees. They become very famous robbers, and five years later execute the greatest train robbery in American history.