两个年轻人在一次旅途中迷失了方向,巧的是他俩的名字都名叫“杰瑞”。于是在沙漠里两人开始了寻找归途之旅。 在去年圣丹斯电影节上,这部影片让半数以上观众离场。在关于此片的国外评论中最常用到的词是“极端极简主义”。的确,整部片子拥有一句话可以讲完的故事情节,构图简单的超长镜头(全片不超过50个镜头),还有著名现代音乐家,极简主义的代表人物阿沃·帕特的音乐,所有这一切,构成了这部爱之极爱,恨之极恨的作品。Two friends that call each other Gerry decide to hide in the wilderness in order to see something. However, they do not find what they're looking for. They decide to return to the car but they get lost in the desert, without water, supplies or a compass. Now they have to walk, trying to find the road to survive.