主演:Kelner Macêdo Lucas Andrade Welket Bungué
年轻就是任性、任性就是自由、自由就是激情。二十出头,正值探索自我的黄金时期,处处摸、处处索,摸索人生,尽情体验。初到圣保罗的伊拉斯,日间在制衣工场打工,夜间就脱掉衣服处处吻。他爱衣服,更爱脱衣服,一夜情人,到处都是。工作困得住他的人,却锁不住他那颗向往自由的心。随着工场的工作日渐繁忙,老板又劝喻他必须公私分明,令他的私人时间买小见少。然而,情人和朋友多得是的他,脑子里想着的只有自由的海洋。在身体和身体的接触之间,他,一直不停寻找着成长的方向。The summer is coming and Elias has been dreaming of the sea a lot. In the factory where he works, his responsibilities increase as the holiday season approaches. After one more night working overtime, Elias and the workers decide to go out and have some beer. That is when new encounters and desires open up to his horizons.