1937年“七七事变”后,中共地下党员江波随国民党宣子奇部移驻上海。中共敌工部部长赵一青命令江波查清地下电台暴露原因和‘高船密谈’内幕。淞沪会战爆发,为消除日特对淞沪之战的威胁,国民党军令部采纳江波方案,决定对井上机关实施“刮骨”打击,江波担任突击队队长。后撤突围时,为掩护何昆送出重要情报,江波身负重伤。上海沦陷,江波受命国民党军令部潜回上海组建秘密情报网,与曾是敌手的黄埔同学、国民党军统特务何昆不期而遇。为锄奸抗日,江波、何昆、尤佳丽、康瑛等国共两党人员相互配合,及时获取日军情报,为世界反法西斯战争做出贡献。In 1937, after "77", underground party members with the Kuomintang Jiang Bo Xuan Ziqi unit moved to Shanghai. Battle of Shanghai broke out, to eliminate the threat of Japanese Laid Songhu war, the KMT military orders adopted by the Ministry of Netcom program, Inoue authorities decided to implement the "Guagu" combat, Jiang Bo as a commando leader. When breakthrough retreat for cover He sent Quinn important information, Jiang Bo was seriously wounded. The fall of Shanghai, Jiang Bo ordered the Department of the KMT military orders sneak Shanghai set up a secret intelligence network and was a rival of the Huangpu Military Academy Alumni, KMT spy Ho Kun chance. Of espionage against Japan, Jiang Bo, Kun Ho, You Jiali, Hong Ying and other CPC and KMT personnel complement each other, the Japanese timely access to information, to contribute to the world anti-fascist war.