主演:Judy Balaban Mark Glancy Barbara Jaynes David Thomson
在《捉賊記》(1955)與嘉麗絲姬莉調情,《花都奇遇結良緣》(1963)迷倒柯德莉夏萍,《奪魄驚魂》(1959) 驚險避過飛機俯衝追殺,加利格蘭堪稱荷里活一代男神,風度翩翩風流倜儻,但巨星光芒背後,原來有着難解心結。生於裁縫之家,母親因病被送走,自小缺乏母愛, 令他嚴重欠缺自信及安全感,多段婚姻均以失敗收場,借助精神藥物才把心病治好。本片以加利格蘭未曾出版的自傳為骨幹,既是他由窮家小子到成為奧斯卡終身成就獎得主的心路,也是他尋覓自我、面對心魔的歷程。For the first time one of Hollywood's greatest stars tells his own story, in his own words. From a childhood of poverty to global fame, Cary Grant, the ultimate self-made star, explores his own screen image and what it took to create it.