主演:林心如 张轩睿 高圣远 李李仁 屈中恒 严艺文 温贞菱 许光汉 张本渝 庞庸之 杨谨华
养成一个好男人,需要良好的家庭教育外,爱情是进阶的必要课程。男孩在爱情里受了伤,于是一点一滴的成熟为一个男人,但那慢慢愈合大的痂大多是丑陋的,它教育了男人怎麽用自私武装自己的恐惧、以名利成就自己的筹码。有一种幸运的男孩,他会遇到生命中的贵人,那贵人往往是一位「好姊姊」。关于那些好姊妹教他们的事,是实战的、非教条的、生动而且造就了一段美丽的回忆。 罗小菲(林心如 饰)是从基层做起的广告公司CF导演,与安庆辉(张轩睿 饰)有段姊弟情;广告公司老板萧也时(高圣远 饰),是个有品味的熟男,演艺圈颇负盛名的姊姊级女神是他稳定交往多年的女友。小赖(李李仁 饰)是名公务员,平时是辅育院义工,下班后成了国标舞舞者。It takes a tremendous amount of courage to make changes to your personal and professional life. Luo Xiao Fei works as a director of television commercials. Her boss is Xiao Ye Shi, the owner of the advertising agency, as well as her boyfriend of five years. Despite the complacency and neglect of her long-term relationship with Ye Shi, Xiao Fei finds it hard to make major changes in her life that could impact her job. When Xiao Fei meets the much younger An Qing Hui, who just graduated from college with a design degree, will he give Xiao Fei the courage to follow her heart?