主演:柏原崇 江口洋介 松雪泰子 市川实和子 Miwako Ichikawa
公寓发生一起令人匪夷所思的命案,一尸体大辣辣地躺房间中,现场留下一把破菜刀和滚来滚去的头颅骨头,血迹延路滴到厨房,调查此案的早濑学刑警看得出神了,厨房中还有个锅子正煮著某种东西,看了一下究竟是啥?天呀!原来尸体头颅里的东西到了这锅子来……「这是什么好味道呢?」刚踏门的检警人员问了问,早濑觉得凶手病态到极点,此时却只觉得一片呕心而已……早濑陷入了破案的困扰中,根据法医的检验后,提供了几条线索,死亡的人是个男的,而且案发前还有过性行为的发生,及现场采到了一个女生的小指指纹,想不到案发没多久竟然就出了第二件命案,同出一辙的,又是个被抽出脑浆的尸体,早濑憔悴地回到家后,几乎崩溃的边缘让他睡也睡不好,恶梦连连,更无法想像的是:原来这两起命案不过是个序幕,更诡异的命案还在前面等待著他们……A pair of hard-boiled Tokyo cops are investigating a gruesome murder: after killing the victim, the murderer cut his skull open and cooked his brain in a stew. As they try to track down the killer, they discover that, quite literally, everybody is a suspect. Will they bring the terror to an end, or will they become part of it themselves?