主演:雷·史蒂文森 大卫·奥克斯 奥拉·加里多 温斯洛·M·岩城 约翰·本菲尔德 本·坦普尔 伊凡·冈萨雷斯
1914年第一次世界大战前夕,一名气象学家被派往南极孤岛上做气候观测。然而他很快发现,岛上除了他和一个疯疯癫癫的灯塔员,还有其它生物的存在... 影片改编自同名小说。In 1914, just after of Franz Ferdinand's assassination that eventually caused World War I, a steamship approaches a desolate island on the edge of the Antarctic Circle, where a young nameless man is poised to take the post of weather observer, to live in solitude at the ends of the earth for an entire year until the arrival of his replacement. For the next twelve months, his entire world will consist of a deserted cabin, the surrounding sea, and dangerous strange beings that he discovers are sharing the island.