主演:蔡凡熙 韩笙笙 王净 李英宏 许效舜 澎恰恰 郭书瑶 蔡昌宪 黄妃 温尚翊 杨谨华
陈二崁高中就暗恋着校花洪曼丽。高中毕业后,已怀着身孕但男友不知去向的曼丽找上二崁要他当孩子的爸。二崁以为是上天眷顾他终于可以和心目中的女神在一起,殊不知考验正要来临,就在此时认识了会读心术的心儿。心儿冷眼旁观他跟曼丽的种种,却也发现二崁的痴与傻令她心疼A high school student is deeply in love with the single most beautiful girl in all of the school, but he has to suffer through torment and bullying every day in school. When the girl of his dreams become the leader of the bullies, things spiral out of control.