主演:古斯塔·斯卡斯加德 乌尔里奇·汤姆森 达妮卡· 库尔西奇 Astrid Grarup Elbo
达令是世界著名的丹麦芭蕾舞演员。久别之后,她和丈夫弗朗回到哥本哈根的丹麦皇家芭蕾舞团,表演经典芭蕾舞剧《吉赛尔》。她将与弗朗一起担任编舞的角色。在一次排练中,达林痛得倒下了。医生诊断为股骨永久性损伤,尽管她试图否认,但她再也不能跳舞了。她的职业生活、她的世界,已经一片废墟。但是达令拒绝放手。她决定训练她的接班人,一个叫波利的年轻芭蕾舞演员,让波利成为她再也无法成为的吉赛尔。但是,随着波利成为关注的中心,弗朗对波利倾注更多的注意力,两人因此产生嫌隙......Darling is a world-famous Danish ballerina. After a long absence, she and her husband Frans return to the Royal Danish Ballet in Copenhagen to perform the classic ballet "Giselle". She will dance the title role with Frans as choreographer. During a rehearsal, Darling collapses in pain. Try as she may to deny it, the prognosis is clear: her hip is irreparably damaged. She will never dance again. Her professional life, her world, is in ruins. But Darling refuses to let go. She decides to train her replacement, a young ballerina named Polly, to make Polly the Giselle she can no longer be. But as Polly becomes the center of attention, of Frans' attention, Darling's emotional stability begins to unravel.