主演:María Botto Miguel Angel Muñoz Diego Martín
旅居邁阿密的伊妮斯睡人無數,而且樂此不疲,直到她出軌的事情東窗事發、生活大亂,她決定回到馬德里,希望和多年來一直心心念念的異女好友蘿拉再續前緣。沒想到,蘿拉竟然和當年無緣的未婚妻,以及她借精懷孕生下的女兒住在一起。伊妮斯在追回蘿拉的同時,也得面對當年逃婚所丟下的爛攤子…Inés has lived the American dream in Miami for 10 years. When she's caught cheating on her girlfriend, her world tumbles down. For the first time in years Inés asks herself what she wants in life: It's time to get back to Spain.