英国柴郡的阿利Hall肯定会让人想起英国独立电视台的电视剧《唐顿庄园》。现在,这幢19世纪的房子将成为迪士尼拍摄的电视短剧的取景地。这是迪士尼首次在英国拍摄电视短剧。这部剧名叫Evermoor。它讲的是14岁的女孩塔拉·贝利跟随她畅销小说家母亲改嫁到英国,这个混合家庭有四个孩子,但他们很快发现一切不像看起来那样。这座庄园外表看起来非常漂亮,但他们进去后却觉得越来越恐怖。他们发现自己并不是这栋房子的唯一主人。你会觉得你来到了一个美丽的世界,但在这里将发生一系列奇怪的事情。The 4 part supernatural series will tell the story of a 14 year old girl, Tara Bailey, uprooted from her Urban American home to move to to a spooky remote rural village in "middle England" with her best selling novelist mother and British stepfather. Teamed with her brother Jake and her British step-siblings Seb and Bella, she suddenly falls into a web if danger and must fight to save her new family home, Evermoor Manor.