这是一个美食构成的世界。 传说女娲以神通铸成五味石,赋予食物味道和灵魂。在这里山川、湖泊都由美食组成:芝士崖、面包山、洋葱石林、鸡汤湖……形形色色的食物生活在这个世界,有着自己的故事和江湖。武艺平平的包子包强( 杨光普照 配音),为了实现自己的英雄梦想,加入了面仙国的舰队出海抗击海盗,却遭到了咸鱼海盗伏击。一番混战后,包强和海盗雇佣的赏金浪人寿司武藏(孟宇 配音)流落荒岛,为了找到各自的伙伴,水火不融的两人开启了一段啼笑皆非的冒险。Super Bao dreams of becoming a great hero like his ancestor, and to in order to realize this dream, he resolves to join an anti-piracy navy fleet which is about to set out on a mission. However, as an ignorant teenager with quite ordinary martial arts skills, Super Bao finds he is not qualified to sail on board a warship. Instead, he has to board a transport ship called The Steamer and puts out to the sea.