在一个被犯罪行为笼罩的世界,警方对犯罪分子的调查一筹莫展时。机缘巧合,女主角皮亚斯被卷入这场博弈之后,一名业余侦探从此诞生了。她接触到一个致力于打击犯罪团伙的在线社区,在工作中接触到许多形形色色、各式各样的奇葩侦探,并发现与自己千丝万缕的联系。通过许多高科技与传统的调查方式相结合,她成功破案并且生活发生了很大的转变。此部电视剧中充斥着大量新奇的犯罪场景,在这个世界中,面对死亡的威胁,心怀对正义的向往,许多普通人变得异常强大。Inspired by the book "The Skeleton Crew" by Deborah Halber and infused with the personal story of producer Wendy West. The series follows the life of a thirty-year-old woman (Ola Serafin) who is forced by circumstances to leave her husband and London, and return to her hometown of Lódz. While driving her car one night, she witnesses a dramatic situation which looks like suicide, but which she finds highly suspicious. The police seem to be indifferent to the case. Desperate, Ola looks for help on the Internet, where she finds a group of amateur detectives that solve criminal cases the police are unable to.