更新日期: 2022-07-20
导演:刘家荣编剧:黄百鸣 Bak-Ming Wong/高志森 Clifton Ko
利欲熏心的富豪罗亿万(王青 饰)正在密谋筹划一宗谋杀案,却被人偷录留下了证据,密探将留有证据的录影带丢进了记者阿妙(郑文雅 饰)的车内,但阿妙对此一无所知。为了寻找父亲的踪迹,亲年罗剑郎(谭咏麟 饰)偷渡抵达香港,却因为样貌和罗亿万之子相似而遭致的误会。 罗亿万抓住了罗剑郎和阿妙等人,将他们囚禁,逼问录影带的下落,之后,众人凭借着智慧和勇气从罗亿万的手中逃了出来。原来,罗亿万企图重金贿赂法官(曹达华 饰),却遭到了拒绝,恼羞成怒的他便设计要将法官斩草除根,得知真相的罗剑郎一行人知道法官身陷险境,于是决定出手相救。Billionaire Law and his accomplices are conspiring the murder of a judge. The conspiracy is overheard by a inspector from ICAC who records the meeting on a cassette tape. Billionaire Law is determined to pin him down. Before he dies, he hides the tape in a reporter Mel's car. A young man, Law Kim Long, smuggles into Hong Kong to look for his father. The Snake-head is mistaken him to be Billionaire Law's son, so he makes him groomed.