更新日期: 2019-05-12
导演:Chris Crow编剧:Paul Bryant/Chris Crow/迈克尔·吉普森 Michael Jibson
导演:Chris Crow
本片改编于臭名昭著的斯莫尔斯小岛事件。Thomas Howell和Thomas Griffith被派往位于斯莫尔斯小岛的灯塔驻守,这里与世隔绝,四周环绕着冰冷刺骨的海水,起初一切还算顺利,然而风暴的降临摧毁了一切,暴风雨夹杂着冰冷的海水撕扯着二人的身体和心灵,面对无止境的摧残,他们不得不做出选择,他 们祈求上苍眷顾,缺无法面对心底最深的恐惧。这是一部关于死亡的故事,疯狂与绝望无尽的涌出,人性深处的黑暗在这里释放……Based on the infamous Smalls Island Incident of 1801 'The Lighthouse' follows Thomas Howell and Thomas Griffith's disastrous posting to Smalls Island Lighthouse to 'keep the light' 25 miles from land and surrounded by the deadly Irish sea. The men are stranded in a freak storm that rages for months, nothing short of an act of God. The film tells a tale of death, madness and isolation; a desolate trip into the heart of human darkness.