西班牙超现实主义大师萨尔瓦多·达利(Salvador Dali)与动画娱乐巨头沃尔特·迪斯尼(Walt Disney)在57年前合作的一部散失多年的动画片。 影片围绕着一个女芭蕾舞者展开,是一个光明而又略带忧郁的故事,其中还描写了无私的爱。全片洋溢着浓烈的幽默色彩和达利 独有的超现实主义气息。To a song of love lost and rediscovered, a woman sees and undergoes surreal transformations. Her lover's face melts off, she dons a dress from the shadow of a bell and becomes a dandelion, ants crawl out of a hand and become Frenchmen riding bicycles. Not to mention the turtles with faces on their backs that collide to form a ballerina, or the bizarre baseball game. From the melting clocks and hourglass sand, to the figure rendered in strips, to the character covered in eyeballs, the style and themes of Dalí are clearly recognizable throughout.