导演:Rick Popko
且看国内正版碟片的内容介绍: 他游离在化粪池,洗手间的便池中,在你脱下裤子时骤然出击··· 切记在你脱下裤子后别让他抓到。 一个残忍的逃犯忙于逃脱警察和FBI的追捕,他们将其逼入绝境,击毙于一下水道,并坠入一公司倾倒的化学池内。排泄物与化学药剂的结合,使他变成半人、半排泄物的怪物。这样残忍的杀手很快又复活了,并利用城市污水管网作为他的地下秘密藏身处,用其令人作呕的方式报复受惊的居民…… 。Escaped serial killer Jack Schmidt is on the run from the police and FBI after escaping from jail. They corner him and gun him down in a sewer tunnel, where he falls into a pool of chemicals dumped by the company who created it, Dutech. The combination of feces and this chemical transforms him into a half human, half feces creature, who goes on a killing rampage. And it's up to a group of local law enforcers to stop him.