电影版《游戏王》改编自日本家喻户晓的纸牌游戏和电视卡通片,故事的小主人公武藤游戏是一个对纸牌游戏走火入魔的高中男孩儿,与怪兽斗争是他肩负的最大使命! 看似简单的纸牌游戏,背后的真相永远比我们想象要复杂得多,它蕴含了能够改变历史进程的古老神秘力量!在埃及沙漠的深处,一个古老的恶灵被重新唤醒:几百年前被武藤游戏神秘的第二个我--“法老王”打败的亡灵之神重返人间,他要彻底打败武藤游戏并成为全世界的主宰!游戏和他的朋友们是否能在地球被沙漠吞噬之前击败强悍的亡灵之神?看似儿戏的纸牌游戏真的是拯救世界的最后希望吗?Yugi, a smaller than average high school student, and an easy target for bullies, is given an ancient Egyptian riddle called the "Millennium Puzzle" by his grandfather, a local game shop manager. Yugi pieces the puzzle together and unexpectedly becomes the powerful "Game King." Now when Yugi gets into sticky situations, the "Game King" takes over and protects Yugi and his friends.