青年蒂姆(Barry Watson 巴里•沃特森 饰)有一份得体的工作,与女友杰茜卡(Tory Mussett 特瑞•姆塞特 饰)也十分恩爱。但是,他却因一段离奇的经历曾在精神病院接受过治疗,至今心中存有阴影。 童年时期,蒂姆的父亲(Charles Mesure 饰)经常为他讲述一些恐怖惊险的睡前故事,直到有一晚,蒂姆亲眼看见父亲被吸入壁橱,再没有出来。这段恐怖的经历让他在夜晚尤其缺乏安全感,他时刻担心夜魔会再次出现,将他虏走。 母亲(Lucy Lawless 饰)去世的消息传来,蒂姆不得不赶回家中操办葬礼,他也因此要再次面对困扰他多年的童年梦魇……Every culture has one - The horrible monster fueling young children's nightmares. But for Tim, the BOGEYMAN still lives in his memories as a creature that devoured his father 16 years earlier. Is the BOGEYMAN real? Or did Tim make him up to explain why his father abandoned his family? The answer lies hidden behind every dark corner and half-opened closet of his childhood home - A place he must return to and face the chilling unanswered questions... Dies the BOGEYMAN really exist?