主演:新井浩文 广田玲名 早良惠 木村啓太 大森南朋 津和孝行 大楽源太 山本政志 三浦哲郁 磨赤儿 石桥莲司 佐藤庆
影片表反应出很强的宗教色彩。参加教会学校学习的主人公对这样的宗教教育表现出了很强的反感,并花费了很多的时间和各种方式来亵渎宗教的神圣。然而,一次神奇的事情突然发生了,在他经常戴在耳阔里用来听广播节目的耳机里,传来了清晰的神的声音…… 影片根据著名的花村万月的获奖小说改编,导演大森立嗣与男演员新井浩文共同打造。相信一定会给人以全新的感受。Rou returns to the rural seminary farm where he studied as a boy and was molested by priests. Rou has recently had a history of violence, and he brings this anger to the seminary, triggering a series of atrocities within the seemingly peaceful retreat - indeed, much of Whispering consists of sequences of sexual perversion that allow mori to comment on the cycle of abuse and how the distortion of sexuality and spirituality can create hell on earth.